Lab 14 - Image 9
cadaver image

Feline thoracic limb, medial view. The brachial a. (1) gives rise to the collateral ulnar a. (2) in the brachium. In the proximal antebrachium, deep antebrachial (3) and caudal interosseous a. and ulnar a. (4) are evident. The brachial a. is renamed median a. (5) after the caudal interosseous branch. A large radial a. (6) is given off in the distal antebrachium. The median n. (7) accompanies brachial and median aa.

Also notice: ulnar n. (8), superficial digital flexor m. (9), the deep digital flexor m. (10), the transected pronator teres m. (11) [obscuring the supracondylar foramen (asterisk)], the extensor carpi radialis m. (12) and the tendon of the deep digital flexor m. (13).

NOTE: Cat vessels differ from the dog in the following ways: The brachial a. passes through a supracondylar foramen, the deep brachial a. arises proximally in the antebrachium, the common interosseous a. is absent (that artery´s three branches arise individually), the median a. gives rise to a large radial a. distally in the antebrachium.

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