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Power Walk
A power walk is shown in the above cartoon. The step sequence illustrated to the right is the same as in the normal walk. To return to the normal walk, click: Normal Walk

The power walk (short-stride walk) is used in pulling a load. Steps are shorter and slower than in the normal walk. Three-leg support predominates (cycling through the four possible arrangements of three-limb support). Lateral oscillations of the trunk, head, and tail to maintain balance are unnecessary. The head may be lowered to shift the center of gravity forward, counteracting a load effect. The fore limbs may contribute significantly to propulsion (vs. mainly hind limbs in the other walk gaits)

The walk begins with a unilateral hind limb thrust that shifts the center of gravity forward and laterally, precipitaing a step by the contralateral forelimb, followed by a step of the thrusting hind limb. Then thrust by the other hind limb results in fore and hind limb steps on the other side. This leads to the walk step pattern (illustrated above). For example, left hind - left fore - right hind - right fore, etc. is a walk step pattern. In that order, each limb progesses through the step cycle (illustrated on the left).

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