Brain Anatomy Introduction CLOSE
Canine Brain Sketch

Drawing of a ventral view of canine brain. The rhinencephalon is colored red on the left side. On the right side, individual surface components of the rhinencephalon are labeled. Identify the olfactory bulb (1), lateral olfactory tract (5), and the piriform lobe (9). Additional labeled components are the olfactory peduncle (2) and the medial olfactory tract (3). Labels 7 & 11 denote the lateral rhinal sulcus, which marks the separation between the rhinencephalon and the newer portion of the cerebral hemisphere. To return to the previous view, click here.

(In addition to the surface structures, there are deep components of the rhinencephalon, such as the hippocampus and fornix. An intermediate olfactory tract conveys axons to the rostral commissure.)

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