Lab 18 - Image 3
cadaver image
The nasal septum is mostly cartilaginous (not shown) but the ventral edge of the septum is formed by the vomer (red asterisk). 1, incisive bone; 2, interincisive canal; 3, central incisors = triadan #s 101 and 201; 4, right second incisor = triadan # 102; 5, left premolar 2 = triadan # 206; 6, infundibular necrosis of upper first molars = triadan #s 106 and 206; 7, maxilla; 8, facial tuberosity (rostral end of facial crest); 9, infraorbital canal; 10, nasal bone; 11, palatine foramen; blue asterisk, bony part of ventral concha; black asterisk, palatine bone. Most of the hard palate is formed by the maxilla rather than the narrow palatine bone.

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